Gary Owen Comedy

Below is part of Gary Owen talking about black church.  What he does here you can tell he took time and great thinking to put together.  If you have been to “white church” and “black church” you can tell he paid a lot of attention to detail.  You also know that he did not go to the churches to make fun of them, rather he went to both churches, observed and shared what he saw were differences in a funny way.

I feel that he accomplished what he wanted to in his Black church bit.  I catch myself getting sleepy while at church and somehow as soon as I step foot out of the building I get energized.  Has nothing to do with the message, has a lot to do with all that is going on in black church.  It is the time when people show up on time and are there way after closing time.



Thank you for being someone I can watch and study as I take this Journey on becoming a full time comic.  You have a gift that allows a group of people that you do not physically look like yourself to listen to what you say about them and then laugh.  Appreciate you, WHOOOOODY WHOOOOOO *all caps*.

Hidden Comedy November 15th show



Went from performing in front of a sold out room to sitting and enjoying the other comics perform.  I can’t complain about what I do because you and I enjoy it.

“Laughter is always in style!”

*all caps*


When I began doing comedy I was nervous.  I did not want to go into the field blind if I REALLY *all caps* wanted to do it.  It was a little time after I finished my Stand Up Comedy graduation class before I performed again.   I can remember the next performance crystal clear.  It was a poetry slam open mic and I was the only comedian signed up to perform for the night.  Saddness after sadness after sadness followed by many finger snaps and then me.  The host brought me up with high expectations, not even knowing it was my second time performing in front of a crowd.  I start my performance a lil nervous and told myself “They are listening and you want to do this, SO DO IT *all caps*.”  The longer I stayed on the stage the more quiet the room got, but I had to keep going.  After I was done performing I went to my seat and listened to the next poet go up and go back to talking about sadness and get finger snaps.  I had to take a moment to myself to go outside and think about doing comedy.  While outside someone told me something that changed everything.  “I like what you said about your parents living above your basement,” is what she said to me.  That was the best thing I could have heard.  She did not say you were funny, stop doing comedy, or be quiet and ignore me.  As soon as she lift the thought in my head was, “They listened to me the whole time because that was part of my last joke.”  In an incident that I thought was bad and maybe could have steered me in another direction, instead I found the good with the situation and ran with it.  They were listening, now I just need to work on making it funny.


Ever since that performance i have NEVER *all caps* I repeat NEVER *all caps* performed since then and focused on something negative.  I have always found something positive out of every performance that will help me with the next one.  In order to have an occupation instead of a job you have to carry an attitude like that.


If you really want something, work for it and focus on the outcome.

“Laughter is always in style!”