ICMTU ep 89 Free Naps, Free Parties, Free Trip To Antarctica feat Adrienne


Adrienne explains how to get things FREE *all caps* without using the word free. You will see the beauty in taking naps during this episode. Next time you plan on going to a party you will think twice before picking that outfit. Oh yea, Antarctica.

ICMTU ep 87 Chicago Makes You Feel Like Butter feat Lynae’


Hurricane season so time to weather the storm in this episode. Lynae’ explains EVERYTHING *all caps* in what happen, and every segment touched. Speaking of touch, Find out about her first strip club trip. Lastly how the lake helps weather the storm.

ICMTU ep 84 A Different Look At Charlottesville Virginia feat JLegend


This is the right podcast to speak about what’s going on in Charlottesville Virginia in more ways then one. JLegend is known to shock people when he speaks, this episode he will REALLY *all caps* shock you. We have to all exist together.