ICMTU ep 148 Happy Happy Joy Joy feat Courtney Boddie

Happy Happy Joy Joy

Courtney Boddie aka CJ aka CJB aka any one of those sits down with AJ DUNK to share some stories and events that can’t be made up. You soon find out that the two have a lot in common. Hipsters are made from people that dip their chicken nuggets in their frosty. Helpful tip for men, when you see a woman, you don’t need to speak to them. Sometimes it is better to just keep your lips touching. Another tip for people riding the subway, headphones and sunglasses are all you need. One last tip, listen to the whole episode. Pull the emergency break when you’re supposed to.

Life tip: Hair non-discrimination law has been passed


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support is the move.

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“Laughter is always in style.”


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