ICMTU ep 155 Is This How I Die? feat Niccolo Aeed

Is This How I Die?

Niccolo Aeed meets up with AJ DUNK at Union Square park in Manhattan. Home town to Nicco and work place for the two. Let me goat cheese the episode for you. When driving at night, DO NOT keep the lights on, otherwise people will see what you’re doing and throw rocks at you! The cool guy kaWhy told Nicco sex is like doing push ups on a girl and that kaWhat ended up getting a round house kick to the face.

“Why are you talking to me, is this how i die, get away from me, stranger danger.”

Listen to find out What Happened!

Life tip: When you think you’re going to die, that most likely will not be the time.


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Quote from ep 155: “You should’nt go back there. A homeless guy walked in on us and said ‘just so you know this is our shit spot.'”

support is the move.

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“Laughter is always in style.”


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